Friday 21 February 2014

College and and all that jazz

This year has so far been alright. I have started a degree to become a teacher. To be more exact, an English Teacher. This happens to be so, for my love of the written word. One pleasure as to which one of these days you will be a witness to.

College is packed to the brim with a whole new stream of first years. I kind of like to take the pleasure and sit on the side lines and watch them get slightly confused until I start laughing and then go up to them and help the fresh meat out. That's mean.. College newbies, then.

I have been studying for about a week and half to this very day. Although, to give a slight background story.. I have already been here at college for the past two years. Why am I studying some more then? At first I was studying to be a journalist... I do hope that this is slightly coming together in your mind... Because of my need to randomly jot down a few sentences to either call it a poem or a short story. And so I'm guessing you have made the clear connection... English is my favourite subject. Today, my only lecture for four hours was that lovely subject and we chatted all about poems. We read a very interesting one, named 'To his Coy Mistress' which in the end where we had to discuss, a few topics came to my peers' mind... Give it a read and tell me what you think .

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